Friday, June 6, 2008


I thought I'd start with the obvious and answer the questions, 'who am I' and 'why did I start this blog'.
Well, the first answer...Connie Hayek. I have worked in child welfare for 20+ years in various capacities. Now I'd describe myself as an advocate although that doesn't really say anything about what I actually do. I'll leave that piece for later. Other things I've done include direct casework in a public agency, supervision/management in a public agency, management in a private non-prof, trainer of workers and fos/adopt parents, consultant, CASA volunteer, foster get the drift. I've done almost everything except lawyering and sitting on a bench. (If I had a law degree, I probably would have done that too....)
Why did I start this blog---well, a couple of reasons. One is that it is the medium 'de jour'. Another is because I periodically read blogs by other so called child advocates and want to present a different/more reasonable perspective. And I just want to educate people a bit on child welfare.
I'm hoping others will chime in occasionally---I love a good discussion!